The Divine revelation 
which comes to those who are waiting in expectation
for it comes like flashes of lightning,
then light rays of light,
and then the light of its full splendor
-Abu 'l-Qasim al-Qushairi
Throughout my life,
during every moment I have lived,
the world has gradually been taking on light and fire for me,
until it has come to envelop me in one mass of luminosity,
glowing from within...
the purple flush of matter imperceptibly fading into the dust of spirit,
to be lost finally in the incandescence of a personal universe.
-Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Discover yourself as a being of light,
not as an aura, but as a pure luminous consciousness
which lights up all things as it turns toward them.
All the rest is just the lamp, the scaffolding, the outside, the wrapping,
the lamp through which God sees.
It has to be just as luminous as the eyes which see through it.
It is a state in which you feel that wherever you walk,
you are bringing  light that shines,
that thrusts a light upon your path,
and wherever you turn you face
you are casting the floodlight of your consciousness upon all things.
And everything becomes crystal clear,
you see right into the inside of things,
right into the depths of matters,
into the souls of beings.
-Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan
I have grown vacant and mighty,
naked and wide as the azure.
-Aurobindo Ghose
I have escaped and the small self is dead;
I am immortal, alone, ineffable;
I  have gone out from the universe I made
And have grown nameless and immeasurable.
-Aurobindo Ghose
I have broken the limits of embodied mind
And am no more the figure of a soul.
The burning galaxies are in me outlined;
The universe is my stupendous whole.
-Aurobindo Ghose
I have arisen from the earth to the mid-world,
I have arisen from the mid-world to the heaven,
from the level or firmament of heavens
I have gone to the sun-world, the light.
-Yajur Veda
I have arrived.
I am home.
In the here.
In the now.
I am solid.
I am free.
In the ultimate
I dwell.
-Thich Nhat Hanh
A woman clothed with the sun,
and the moon under her feet,
and upon her head a crown of twelve stars.
-The Bible
She is light itself and transcendent.
Emanating from Her body are rays in thousands -
two thousand, a hundred thousand,
tens of millions, a hundred million -
there is no counting their numbers.
It is by and through Her that all things moving and motionless shine.
It is by the light of this Devi that all things become manifest.
-Bhairava Yamala